Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Meeting God in the Morning

       This Spring semester, one area I am working on in my life in that of discipline. I have realized that I want to lead a more disciplined life, and so I decided that I would make this the focus of my character contract. One of the ways I have been putting this into practice is waking up at 6:00 A.M. 3 times a week to spend time with God. The other week, during my meeting with one of my mentors, she challenged me as to why only 3 days a week? Why do I not wake up Monday thru Friday(or everyday) to spend time with the Lord. I honestly told her that it was due to laziness. She asked that as part of our mentoring I spend one week waking up at 6 and having a quiet time.
       As of this morning, I have spent the last week successfully waking up at 6 and spending time with the Lord. The time with God has been good. I have been reading through the Psalms, journaling out my prayers, and leaving space to just sit and listen to God. Nothing radical has happened, I didn't hear an audible voice or feel God leading me into something crazy, but I have seen my relationship with God grow through the repetition of spending time with Him. It was nice to know that Monday thru Friday I will wake up and be with the Lord. There were some mornings that I was so tired that after I had my quiet time I fell asleep in my chair and Amy had to wake me up, but I faithfully continued to wake up each morning.
       One thing I did see throughout this last week is that I actually spent more time with God than I normally do. Usually when I would have a quiet time I would spend 30 minutes, however, this past week I spent an hour most mornings. It has truly been refreshing and a time I have valued.

       Do you have a regular quiet time?  What time works best for you to meet with God? What sort of things has God been teaching you lately?



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