Thursday, September 9, 2010

Seeking God in the Mornings

As of two and a half weeks ago I started having a regular quiet time in the mornings. I have always struggled to find the "perfect" time to sit down and spend quality time with my savior. Is the best time in the morning, when I am tired and a little bit groggy? Or perhaps the ideal time is in the evening as my day winds down. I have always had a difficult time keeping a consistent time with the Lord. I still make sure I read my Bible and spend some time in prayer, but some days it definitely gets neglected due to my own forgetfulness or business.
These last two or so weeks have been a huge blessing in my life as I have seen the value of keeping a regular time with God. I have seen my relationship grow and I have seen my guilt over not spending this time together drift away. These times in the morning are not always amazing and some mornings it is important to show up and still open myself up to God even if I may not be feeling it. I have been making this time a priority and making an effort for this to be the first thing I do in the morning (besides grabbing some food and coffee as I sit down) before I check my e-mail, shower, or get ready for my day. I am now reaching the point where I am looking forward to the morning. I am excited to get up, make some coffee and curl up on the couch with my Bible, Journal, and Savior and spend some intentional time together. I would encourage you to find a time that works best for you and push yourself to keep it daily. I believe you will see the impact it makes on your day and your own personal spirit as you continue to seek out the Lord daily.

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